Potato shaving cream
By Kiron Kasbekar | 03 Mar 2023

One day I was sitting with some friends, when one of them, who was working with a marketing agency, asked the rest of us, ‘What do you guys think of potato shaving cream?’
There was silence. None of the rest of us were able to think of potato shaving cream.
I know, I know. You will write us off as uncreative, unimaginative, talentless, and such other types of denizens of the non-corporate, non-advertising world.
But that’s who we are. Unable to imagine new things to sell to people.
Well, uncreative, unimaginative and talentless we might be, but we certainly didn’t lack curiosity. We were always up for gossip.
We were always intrigued by what surprises companies might be springing on us next spring or summer. So we pestered our friend for more information. Was his agency going to launch a potato shaving cream?
Barely a week after our friend’s question about potato shaving cream, we saw this ad in the middle of a live showing of the World Tennis Championship. Just after the first set.
Oh, it was not about shaving potatoes. It was about shaving masculine chins with shaving cream with just that touch of potato to give you a smooth shave. Or so I heard.
It was creative. It was intriguing. It was mesmerizing. It was so mesmerizing that when the ad went off the screen, and the second set started with the ball being smashed across the court, I was seeing potatoes being lobbed and smashed all over the court.
I wonder what happened. I guess it was the power of advertising.
And then I heard there was this ad about yogurt shampoo! And an ad about cucumber yogurt shampoo, and one about Greek yogurt shampoo!
Through an ad in the middle of the 8 o’clock show next month. And through an ad in the beginning of the 9 o’clock show. And through an ad at the beginning, middle and end of the 10 o’clock show.
Have you seen these ads? I’ve not. And a good thing too. If I had, I might have been dreaming about Olympic swimming events taking place in a pool of yogurt!
piped Have you heard of yogurt shampooo?
P.S.: Oh, by the way, there is, to my knowledge, no such thing as a potato shaving cream. I imagined it. But I've still not applied for a patent for it. So if anyone wants to patent the idea, please go ahead.